The perfect world for me would be the 70's with today's confort, the freedom from prehistoric ages with a twist of middle ages nights' marry-making, an august afternoon, orange and hot, and absolutely and most importantly there would be guitars (preferably pink floydish).
We would be growing our own vegetables, we wouldn't kill and we'd all smoke pot. We wouldn't have banks (now wouldn't that be good!) and there'd be no government. There would be no Bible, no regrets or punishments, cause the only thing we'd do is love each other and smoke pot. There would be no TVs, no rap stars, and no cars. We'd all be skinny, cause we'd eat only veggies and we'd walk a lot... so there'd be no Ana or obesity. We'd be at peace with our passing-by in this world, so there'd be no doctors. And even if we weren't, we'd smoke pot and it'd all be better.
We'd sing a lot, we'd talk a lot, we'd get to know each other, we'd touch a lot. We'd be humans, and we wouldn't squeeze our brains to find out what is wrong and what is right. We'd see that the purpose of life is life itself, and that it's most enjoyable in its simplicity.
But I guess my perfect world is foolish. We all want to live more. We all want to fill our bellies with good stuff that requires endless rows of other forms of life to be executed, we don't want to be in pain and we all want to be different and better then the others. Not only do we want it, but we want it fast! So, instead of spending our time living, loving, touching, talking, singing, we spending it pushing buttons - of machines or our own.
I wonder where is that hot orange afternoon? Oh, that's right, it's right here in my head :) and it's sooo nice. Today please, don't disturb, I'm in my perfect world... aaaaaah :) ;) ;) :@
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