Today you'll rebel to anything.
Everybody rebels against anyone and anything that's not according to his/her way of thinking. But just to twist your mind a bit, isn't that the very foundation of conservatorism: following one's rules or, in this case, forcing someone to follow your own?
So what will today's fashionable rebel do? (Gonna go with a 'he' there, cause I know you sickos will think that an obediant rebel girl is so hot!)
He's gonna want to be cool, like everyone else.
He's gonna listen to a certain type of music (usually rap, heavy metal, punk or anything that's MEAN and rebellious) and know each and every detail of each person ever to be involved on that music scene.
And he's most probably wearing converse. Now I wonder, when did the converse become the symbol of rebellion in our world? I am positive that it wasn't even a premeditated marketing image. I remember the first time my mother bought me a cheap chinese copy of the oh-so-praised converse, I must have been 8 or 9, and I thought they were soooo ugly! Is that it? Does the rebel wear them because they're so incredibly ugly, but he doesn't care what everyone says?
Coming back to the rebel matrix, which in itself is an absurdity for 'to rebel' means thinking and acting in a different way than everyone else, an attitude that has no pattern for more than one human being, I must say that today's rebel is a fashion icon. No longer the excommunicated member of a society, but a praised one, a role model for all those kids that can't wait to rebel out of their parents' authority...
So, as a freshly graduated linguist, I am forced now to find another word to designate the true rebels of our society, and I'll call them 'rationals'. The rationals don't watch Mtv, are not fashion victims and think for themselves. The rationals understand what is really happening in this world, and want to act upon it. The rationals live for the important things in life, and most surely don't have a cool mobile phone.
If you want to meet one of the true rebels of our society and a fighter, learn about Ingrid Betancourt, now that's food for thought...
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