I have been doing some volunteer work this week for this festival taking place in Besancon - my French hometown, sort of speaking - and I came to realise that when you're a volunteer you can observe people closer and even stare at them and study their behaviour in detail, something I normally wouldn't do. Is it because I know I cannot be fired if I am fascinated with one of the 'boss's' ugliness and can't help showing it? Maybe, but it has occured to me that in any institution/company larger than 6-7 people you'd always get at least one of these caracters:
1) the mongrel
It's that intern that just got here yesterday but thinks he/she knows everything better than anyone.
He keeps telling you on a bossy tone things you explained to him yesterday.
He takes himself very seriously and will always stay 5 minutes longer than you do so that he can take credit for your work.
He comes asking questions about the status of certain actions in progress, just as the boss's mini-me would.
2) the total bitch
She's that assistant that is slightly older than you are and also thinks she knows everything better than anyone.
She looks exhausted from trying too much.
Can't communicate unless she's a total bitch.
Asks you a question then sticks her nose in your clipboard to look for the answer. In her eyes you are nothing but a brainless worm.
In her eyes bosses are gods pouring out golden beams of wisdom through their mouths.
She's a total bitch.
3) the lazy boss
He's supposed to be your boss.
He called you early today and you will have to stay late because he needs your help.
He makes you do stuff while he does nothing. (btw that's good management)
He will be nice to you, because he doesn't want you to suspect anything.
When a bigger boss drops a shitty task, he will instantly look extremely busy and tell you: 'I'm sorry, I'm swamped right now, could you do this for me?'
4) the artist (boss)
He's chubby and looks funny.
Is it me or he's always looking at the ceiling?
He gives away important classified documents to anyone who comes asking for them.
He's moving around the office without a clear purpose.
He's been working in the office for 3 years and still doesn't know anyone's name.
He smells funny.
He has a weird voice, like someone who hasn't spoken in a while.
His function is not clear, no one asks him to do anything and he doesn't seem to do anything at any time.
5) the big face/big gestures (boss)
She's that boss that will tell you to do something of utter importance right away and will change her mind within the next 5 minutes.
She talks loudly and has big hair.
Her name ends in 'y'.
She has a very short memory span. She is very impulsive.
Her clothes yell 'Look at me'. She loves being called a 'boss'/'manager'/'responsible' etc.
Every single sentence that comes out of her mouth starts with 'I'. Asking her to build a sentence that would start with something different could result in your booting out.
She's always accompanied by a total bitch.
6) the hot n' cold (boss)
She's the kind of boss that seems emotionally unstable. One minute she adores you the next you're her worst ennemy.
She can change moods up to 5 times a day.
She checks you out a lot. She's not young anymore and she knows it.
She hates you for being you. She hates you because she can't be you.
This is what I've got so far. But be reassured, I will probably add some caracters to this list in the next few days. :) So which one(s) of these caracters do you have to stand every day? :))))
Lots of love and promise I'll write more often!
HA! A lot of 'she' bosses around there, it seems! Could you also take pictures of each? :P (since you're not afraid to be fired,what difference does it make a flash in their eyes?)
Anyway.. I have a (2)+
(3) going on (5) (this is a single person ;) ), a(4) and a (5). There's a (6) too, but with limited contact :P
Actually, there are a lot of these types around here - but after a while, you get to ignore them all-together. Which leads to you doing whatever you want (along some general imposed lines).. which in turn leads to you being fired, and not knowing about it until a week or too later :))
But.. I haven't got there (yet!)
(and yes, write some more!)
I will try to get some pics :p
Yeah, unfortch, it's usually with the women in the office that I don't get along... but this is not a rule. It's just that so far I've only had cool man-bosses and only bitchy women-bosses :D
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