Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And it was Christmas!

This is what I hate about Christmas:

1. It's too short.
2. I don't get enough presents.
3. There's too many people in the house.
4. The presents that I get aren't good enough.
5. I'm too hungry in the beginning.
6. I'm too full at the end.
7. I drink too much.
8. I speak too much.
9. I don't get enough presents.
10. Who's that guy in red, and why is his bag empty???
11. I don't get enough presents!
12. People don't say thank you for the presents (cause they come from 'Santa').
13. I spent half of my 2007 savings.
14. I didn't get enough presents to cover that hole in my savings.
15. The next morning we eat leftovers.
16. Everybody is sleepy/having a hang over/sick the next morning.
17. The quota of presents dedicated to me wasn't high enough to make me eat leftovers!
18. I have to pretend I like my presents.
19. EVERYBODY has to sing...
20. I hope you understand that I need more presents!!!!!

:D For a Lousy Christmas and a Crappy New Year!

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