Few weeks back I got my late Christmas present from my parents. I knew what it was and I was so happy I finally got it. It was no fancy technological marvel, no Ipod, no big diamond ring or anything that shallow. I don't even know what people yearn for anymore, cause you see, I don't have a TV and I'm guessing I never will! Anyway, it was the complete collection of my favourite books when I was a child, for those who know them, they're called 'Ciresarii'.
They're this incredibly, surprisingly well written books, that don't contain much trace of the communist era, but which remind me so much of my childhood, of what nostalgics call the 'simpler times'.
From the moment I started reading the first volume, I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop, because it felt more real than life itself. It's about a time long gone but which isn't that far away, about real values, about real things.
I don't know, must be because I had a very happy childhood, full of sunshine and outdoor games, and most of all, full of sensations. The feel of the wet grass on my bare feet on a summer morning, the taste of milk squished right out of the cow's tit, feeling so cold after a bath in the river behind the house, the taste of green chestnuts and wax cherries, walking for miles without feeling tired, the smell of clean sheets after such a long day.
I just get so sad when I see how irrational our lives become, and I will not be surprised at all when the society collapses. It will happen, because we're founding our lives on thin air, on illusions and on needs developped by the marketing department of the multinational corporations (corporation, such an apocalyptic noun!).
Until then I will be enjoying my fantasy real world every night, and will hope it won't end soon (I've already started the 3rd volume :((... ).