So I managed to come back to my French home a couple of days ago, and man I thought France was ugly, but somehow I like it this time. I like this lazyness floating in the air, the cute tingling in your eyes after you had a really big cheap meal at noon, that drousiness and well-being, like a baby after it got its bottle.
I also like the fact that people smile, even if they don't like you. A few months ago I despised them for that, but see, I had this big surprise: the first French person I saw after I landed - of course the customs agent, what did you think? - was really nice, smiled a lot, although he was going through my stuff. Normally I would want to strangle someone who's messing up my luggage, but how could I? I think the guy would have continued smiling as I'd be choking him. Talking about polite people, huh?
Oh, and the best part! The 'secrétaires'!!! Remember how you feared going to the faculty's office to ask for some stupid paper that takes like 30 seconds to do, and yet that damn bitch was 'too busy' - probably playing solitaire, and for some, showing their underpants to some other stupid ho. Well here, well of course, they SMILE, and although they will get on your nerves because of all the paper work you need to do, they really try to help, and sometimes give you good advice! Long live French secretaries, gosh I wish they could breed like bunnies and take over the world, I think we'd all be happy :)
There are so many more things that I used to hate, and now appreciate, cause I went back home, and I realised that although they seem stupid, they make life more comfortable, and you miss them when they're not there. Like choice, like information and like colourful stuff. We've got to admitt it, Romania is still a quarter communist, it'll take another 20 years to get rid of that - or maybe more...
Anywhooo, I started loving France :) But I guess France was the same in december, so it must be that I'm happy :p
Love to all of you that love me back!
P.S.: I miss CHEWY :((((((