Chewy decided to be fluffy today. He woke up around 7 o'clock, found out that I was still sleeping and got used to the idea that he wouldn't get out of his cage until later on. So he slept and slept and piled up his energy level that he would later use to run around the room like a numbnutt and to chew on my carpet's fringe.
He's doing it right now. Both of them. It's like Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiew, chewy up, chewy down, chewy on the carpet, chewy with a cable in his mouth, chewy on the couch, chewy peeing on the pillow, chewy transforming into a little devil...
So what I'm guessing is that when he wakes up he must have a pretty big list of things that he has to do, that's why he's moving so fast...he must have a been a wall street agent in a previous life :))
He's like: Okay, today as soon as that big biotch opens the cage I dash out, start in a clockwise motion: cables in the corner, pee on the couch, oh I must not forget eating her plane ticket, I spotted it last night on that small table next to the door, which btw it's a total disaster in terms of interior design - yeah, grooming, eating those delicious balls of stuff coming out of my butt, jump around for some exercice, eating until I burst, and maybe around 15.00 take a 5. I must ignore all the yelling. Apparently she's using some kind of code name...cheweee or something when she's got treats, but get the treat and dash, otherwise I might end up on her lap!!! Oh and btw, I must not forget to keep some pee in case that happens. It's like magic! A little leak and off I go! Gosh, I'm so lucky I'm so cute and small, I get away with everything.
I think I'm gonna hide again under the bathtub today, I just love that expression of dispair and anguish when she's trying to get me out of there! Mwhahahaha! And then, when she's had enough of me, I'll just put my little cute nose in between the bars and ask for a kiss :D She'll let me go in no time!
Now, seriously, I'm starting to think my rabbit is evil....